Posted on 6/30/2023
When it comes to extracting more power from an engine, forced induction systems like turbochargers and superchargers take center stage. Both systems have their unique characteristics and benefits, igniting debates among automotive enthusiasts. In this blog, we'll dive into the world of forced induction and explore the pros and cons of turbochargers and superchargers, helping you navigate the path to performance enhancement. 1 Turbochargers Turbochargers utilize the energy of exhaust gasses to increase engine performance. Here's how they work: Efficiency and Fuel Economy: Turbochargers harness waste energy from the exhaust gasses, which would otherwise be lost. By using this energy to drive a turbine, they compress the incoming air, allowing for better combustion and increased efficiency. This can result in improved fuel economy under certain conditions. Lag and Power Delivery ... read more